2023 Taiwan and Southeast Asia Civil Society Week/2023 台灣與東南亞公民社會週 (CN/EN)

About the Taiwan and Southeast Asia Civil Society Week

"Taiwan and Southeast Asia Civil Society Week" is a platform organized by ACFA to connect civil society organisations and activists among Taiwan and Southeast Asia. The 2023 Taiwan and Southeast Asia Civil Society Week is an initial stage for CSOs and activists in the region who are facing threats derived from the trend of the closing civic space to come together to explore Taiwan's condition on providing support or any further and potential collaboration.

About the report launch forum

In the 2023 Taiwan and Southeast Asia Civil Society Week, ACFA has launched a report "Exploring Taiwan's Role Amid the Crisis of Closing Civic Space in Southeast Asia" which is the results of the research project "Scrutinizing the Accessibility of Taiwan for CSOs From Southeast Asia".

The central question of this research is: whether Taiwan, as a democracy adjacent to the ASEAN region, has the capacity to provide an inclusive 'alternative civic space' to accommodate the surge of asylum-seeking CSOs from Southeast Asia, so as to alleviate the challenge of closing civic space witnessed in Southeast Asia.

The study does not attempt to make broad generalizations about the situation of CSOs in Southeast Asia solely based on the experiences of seven specific organizations. Instead, the study is aimed at comprehending the strategies and thought processes these organizations employ to deal with their unique situations. This understanding is crucial in identifying the key factors that influence the decisions of Southeast Asian CSOs to relocate.

By assuming the responsibility to protect human rights defenders and allowing them to maintain momentum in practicing human rights and pursue justice, civil society in Taiwan will be able to further support the development of democracy and human rights in the region.

Read the Foreword of the report: https://www.acfa.tw/report-is-out/

Forum program

  • Topic: Exploring Taiwan's Role Amid the Crisis of Closing Civic Space in Southeast Asia
  • Date: August 22, 2023
  • Location: Taipei, Taiwan

Report launch session

Exploring Taiwan's Role Amid the Crisis of Closing Civic Space in Southeast Asia


  • Leah Lin, Executive Director and Founder, Asia Citizen Future Association
  • Doris Yang, Researcher, Asia Citizen Future Association


  • Michael Caster, Asia Digital Program Manager, ARTICLE 19
  • Khoo, YH, Associate Professor and Department Head of International and Strategic Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Universiti Malaya
  • Wong, YK, Case Management and Campaign Coordinator, SUARAM
  • Chiu, Eeling, Executive Director, Amnesty International Taiwan

Panel 1

Enhance the Accessibility to Taiwan's Civic Space: Foreigners' Rights to Association in Taiwan


  • Leah Lin, Executive Director and Founder, Asia Citizen Future Association


  • Yi-Hsiang Shih, Secretary General, Taiwan Association for Human Rights
  • Trinh Huu Long, Co-founder and Co-director, Legal Initiatives for Vietnam
  • Karl Hsu, President of the director board, Covenants watch
  • Aleksandra Bielakowska, Taipei Advocacy officer, Reporters Without Borders (RSF)

Panel 2

Threats to Freedom of Association in Southeast Asia: Case in Malaysia, Cambodia, Singapore, Myanmar and the Philippines

Moderator: Chiu Eeling, Executive Director, Amnesty International Taiwan

Special Guest: Hung Sun-Han, Legislator of Taiwan


  • Wong Yen Ke, Case Management and Campaign Coordinator, SUARAM
  • Chhan Sokunthea, Acting Director, Cambodian Center for Independent Media
  • Catherine Lopez, Program Coordinator, Research and Policy Development
  • Khin Ohmar, Founder and Chairperson, Advisory Board, Progressive Voice Myanmar
  • Ryan Silverio, Executive Director, ASEAN SOGIE Caucus

Rise Talk

Regional NGO Hub in Peril: Thailand in Democracy's Crossroad

Thompson Chau
, President, Taiwan Foreign Correspondents' Club


  • Kunthika Nutcharut, Attorney at Law, Krisadang Law and Accounting Office
  • Anon Chawalawan, Project Manager, iLaw


Initial Exploration of Taiwan's Role in Confronting the Trend of Closing Civic Space in the Region

Moderator: Ryan Silverio, Executive Director, ASEAN SOGIE Caucus


  • Roy Ngerng, Human Rights Defender
  • Jing-Jie Chen, Campaigner, Safeguard Defender
  • Wang Si, Deputy Secretary-General, Taiwan Association for Human Rights

Read more here:

「探索台灣在東南亞公民空間緊縮下的角色」研究發布暨論壇 本論壇為亞洲公民未來協會(ACFA)【2023台灣與東南亞社會議題週(ACFA 2023 Taiwan and Southeast Asia Civil Society Week)】主要活動。 邀集十位來自七個東南亞國家的NGO、獨立媒體、律師、學者赴台。近七十位參與者加入此論壇共同討論東南亞區域公民空間緊縮的現況與挑戰,參與者包含國際組織、東南亞區域公民社會組織、台灣公民社會組織、獨立媒體、律師、學者、立法委員等。 論壇聚焦在:(一)重申結社權的重要性及討論保護結社權的策略;(二)了解台灣公民空間和法律框架對於保護外…
An introduction of the right to the freedom of association in Malaysia by youth human rights defender Wong
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「探索台灣在東南亞公民空間緊縮下的角色」研究發布暨論壇 本論壇為亞洲公民未來協會(ACFA)【2023台灣與東南亞社會議題週(ACFA 2023 Taiwan and Southeast Asia Civil Society Week)】主要活動。 邀集十位來自七個東南亞國家的NGO、獨立媒體、律師、學者赴台。近七十位參與者加入此論壇共同討論東南亞區域公民空間緊縮的現況與挑戰,參與者包含國際組織、東南亞區域公民社會組織、台灣公民社會組織、獨立媒體、律師、學者、立法委員等。 論壇聚焦在:(一)重申結社權的重要性及討論保護結社權的策略;(二)了解台灣公民空間和法律框架對於保護外國人結社權的挑…
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“Harassment against NGOs in Thailand is still happening” a brief introduction of the right to association in Thailand
Note taking: Doris Yang / Editing: Leah Lin ACFA (Asia Citizen Future Association) is honor to invite Attorney Kunthika Nutcharut and Anon Chawalawan--Project Manager of iLaw, to talk about the current situation of freedom of association in Thailand for us to understand the current situation and tr…
「探索台灣在東南亞公民空間緊縮下的角色」研究發布暨論壇 本論壇為亞洲公民未來協會(ACFA)【2023台灣與東南亞社會議題週(ACFA 2023 Taiwan and Southeast Asia Civil Society Week)】主要活動。 邀集十位來自七個東南亞國家的NGO、獨立媒體、律師、學者赴台。近七十位參與者加入此論壇共同討論東南亞區域公民空間緊縮的現況與挑戰,參與者包含國際組織、東南亞區域公民社會組織、台灣公民社會組織、獨立媒體、律師、學者、立法委員等。 論壇聚焦在:(一)重申結社權的重要性及討論保護結社權的策略;(二)了解台灣公民空間和法律框架對於保護外國人結社權的挑…

2023 台灣與東南亞公民社會週



本研究的核心問題是:台灣作為鄰近東協區域的民主國家,是否有能力提供具備包容性的替代性公民空間(alternative civic space),接待來自東南亞正激增的尋求庇護 CSOs,以減輕東南亞公民空間緊縮危機對組織與行動者造成的直接負面影響。藉由承擔保護人權捍衛者的責任,維護他們行使人權與追求正義的動能,進一步支持區域內的民主與人權發展。透過訪談在台設立之國際/外國公民社會組織,本研究分析外籍人士在台設立社會組織、聘雇、納稅及社會保險之現況與挑戰,以討論台灣公民空間對東南亞 CSOs 的可近性。

另一方面,基於全球範圍內現存之東南亞公民空間緊縮研究成果,本研究深度訪談來自七個東南亞國家的組織及其決策者,著重於理解他們在高壓環境下持續從事組織活動的相應策略與需求。本研究並非試圖以七 個組織的個別經驗普遍化東南亞 CSOs 在公民空間緊縮下的處境;相反,透過理解面臨危殆的組織應對各自處境所採行的多元策略及思維過程,可以使我們理解對東南亞 CSOs 遷移決策具備影響性的關鍵因素,使讀者理解東南亞 CSOs 對台灣作為替代性公民空間抱持的觀點與評價,更可能促使台灣更務實的理解自身條件與思索台灣在區域中的角色。這一章節對台灣公民社會來說,值得一讀。

活動資訊 Information

See you next year!