【Report Launch Forum】8/22 Exploring Taiwan's Roles Amid The Crisis of Closing Civic Space in the Southeast Asia

【Report Launch Forum】8/22 Exploring Taiwan's Roles Amid The Crisis of Closing Civic Space in the Southeast Asia

Asia Citizen Future Association (ACFA) is thrilled to announce that we will be hosting our report launch and forum on 22 August 2023, in Taipei.

Shrinking civic space has been a common threats faced by the Southeast Asian countries in recent years. Against this backdrop, ACFA has conducted research to explore the accessibility to Taiwan’s civic space, and aims to open a dialogue on how Taiwan, as one of the nearest democracy to Southeast Asia, could collaborate with Southeast Asian civil society to defend civic space together!

During this forum, we will be discussing the following topics:

  • Report Launch | Exploring Taiwan's Roles Amid The Crises of Closing Civic Space in the Southeast Asia
  • Panel | Enhance the Accessibility to Taiwan's Civic Space: Foreigner's Rights to Association in Taiwan.
  • Panel | Threats to Freedom of Association in Southeast Asia:  Cases in Malaysia, Cambodia, Singapore, Myanmar, and the Philippines.
  • Rise Talk | Regional NGO Hub in Peril: Thailand in Democracy's Crossroad.
  • Roundtable| Initial Exploration of Taiwan’s Roles to Confronting the Trend of Closing Civic Space in the Region.

For Mandarin page: https://www.acfa.tw/reportlaunchtw/

This event is by invitation only, please contact us at public@acfa.tw to request to register for our report launch event.

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Series 4|No WiFi, No Rights! "Cross-Regional Initiatives and Solidarity Building: The Example of ‘Wifi Now for Fishers’ Rights’ Campaign"

Series 4|No WiFi, No Rights! "Cross-Regional Initiatives and Solidarity Building: The Example of ‘Wifi Now for Fishers’ Rights’ Campaign"

Event Information * Date:2024/7/18 * Time : 19:00-21:00 * Location : Online meeting room (Link will be provided in the confirmation e-mail before the event) * Language: English with Mandarin Interpretation Assistance * Registration:https://forms.gle/fijnsGUdWPWUUEbz6 Under the influence of rapid globalization, migrant workers have become an important community that



活動資訊 * 活動日期:2024/7/18 * 活動時間 : 19:00-21:00 * 活動地點 :線上會議室 Online (The link will be provided in the confirmation e-mail before the event 活動前將以Email通知發送確認信與會議室連結) * 語言 : 英文為主,中英雙語進行。 【伸展運動系列四】沒有WiFi,就沒有人權!跨國倡議如何促進移工權利保障? 報名連結:https://forms.gle/fijnsGUdWPWUUEbz6 改為線上舉辦!收到區域的參與者要求,這場次將改為線上舉辦! 在全球化快速發展之下,移工成為貢獻世界各地經濟最重要的群體。由其可見,移工匯款是東南亞經濟發展的重要支柱。然而,這些移工同時在許多社會中身處邊緣化、無法受到社會安全網以及人權保障的處境,移工在異國的處境越來越脆弱。 即便如此,移工社群仍然不斷發展出勞動權利的運動與組織,

【伸展運動系列三】 極端宗教主義興起下,LGBT+社群怎麼做?

【伸展運動系列三】 極端宗教主義興起下,LGBT+社群怎麼做?

活動資訊 * 活動日期:2024/7/17 * 活動時間 : 19:00-21:00 * 活動地點 : * 活動地點 :線上會議室 Online (The link will be provided in the confirmation e-mail before the event 活動前將以Email通知發送確認信與會議室連結) * 語言 :英文為主,中英雙語。 【伸展運動系列三】 極端宗教主義興起下,LGBT+社群怎麼做? 在印尼、馬來西亞,及緬甸,LGBT+如何「做」社運和「做」組織? 報名表單:https://forms.gle/ugxdQAGCNigiACmn9 改為線上舉辦!收到區域的參與者要求,這場次將改為線上舉辦!