Series Talk 3|How Do LGBT+ Build Community in Indonesia, Malaysia and Myanmar?

Series Talk 3|How Do LGBT+ Build Community in Indonesia, Malaysia and Myanmar?

Event Information

  • Date:2024/7/17
  • Time: 19:00-21:00
  • Location : Online meeting room (Link will be provided in the confirmation e-mail before the event)
  • Language : English with Mandarin Interpretation Assistance


In Southeast Asia, despite Thailand’s recent legalization of same-sex marriage and Singapore’s repeal of Section 377A of the penal code that criminalizes gay sex, restrictions and harassment targeting LGBT+ communities among the region still persist. 

In Singapore, for example, whilst decriminalizing gay sex, the constitutional amendment emphasized the definition of marriage between a man and a woman. In Indonesia and Malaysia, with religious fundamentalists and the right-wing gaining increasing power, harassment and crackdowns against LGBT+ communities are becoming more intense in these years. Besides, after the coup in 2021 in Myanmar, communities of sexual minorities have been facing increasing extreme challenges.

In conflict environments where civic space is extremely constrained or closed, how do LGBT+ communities and groups exist and organize? What challenges are they facing? What are LGBT+ communities and organizations’ needs amid their movements and activism? What roles do legal protection play in such environments? In this event, we invite Southeast Asian regional LGBT+ organization and international organization to discuss the cross-cutting issues.


Ryan Silverio (they/them) is a gender queer human rights defender with more than 20 years experience in the non-profit sector. They worked in the intersections of human rights, child rights, and LGBTQIA+ rights in various capacities. Since 2014, Ryan has served as the Executive Director of ASEAN SOGIE Caucus (ASC), a regional human rights organization. Under their leadership, ASC achieved key milestones: transformation from a loose network into a registered non-government organization whose mission is to expand spaces for leadership and advocacy among LGBTQIA+ activists in Southeast Asia; sustained funding for a period of 9 years; and being granted with special consultative status by the UN ECOSOC.

Jennifer is the Director for Asia Programs at OutRight International. She has been devoted to LGBT rights and political reform movements for 20 years nationally and internationally. Before joining Outright as the Director for Asia Programs, she was ED of Taiwan Equality Campaign, known as Marriage Equality Coalition Taiwan - an organization that pushed Marriage Equality in Taiwan.

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2024 台灣東南亞公民社會週【台灣與東南亞公民空間論壇】

2024 台灣東南亞公民社會週【台灣與東南亞公民空間論壇】

▌活動資訊 * 日期: 2024 年 10 月 31 日 (星期四) * 地點:台北市。本論壇為實體論壇,提供口譯,不提供直播與線上會議室。 * 活動語言: 主場次以中、英雙語進行,搭配同步又譯 * 聯繫窗口: 楊俐英,亞洲公民未來協會計畫專員與研究員 ( * 報名方式:將於2024年9月公布 #AsiaCitizenFutureWeek2024 #2024台灣東南亞公民社會週 ▌台灣東南亞公民社會週 近年來,東南亞區域公民空間緊縮,公民社會與異議之聲受到噤聲,不僅使公民社會工作者受到人身安全上的威脅與攻擊,更使公民社會工作難以延續。因應此挑戰,亞洲公民未來協會於 2023年出版《探索台灣在東南亞公民空間緊縮危機下的角色》研究報告,在研究報告中不僅盤點台灣與結社權相關的法律框架、探討東南亞區域內公民社會組織面臨挑戰時如何發展策略以延續工作,更提供台灣政府以及國際組織政策建議,以期在台灣創造一個更具可近性的友善公民空間,以及建立更有彈性的跨次區域合作機制,使區域內受到打壓的公民社會工作者能夠延續動能以完成工作使命。此外,亞