[Statement] ACFA echoes The Minister of International Cooperation of NUG's call on the Taiwan's government to say no to the sham election, and to condemn the airstrikes conducted by the Myanmar military junta

[Statement] ACFA echoes The Minister of International Cooperation of NUG's call on the Taiwan's government to say no to the sham election, and to condemn the airstrikes conducted by the Myanmar military junta


The Myanmar military junta seized power through a coup on February 1, 2021, overthrowing the National League for Democracy (NLD), which had won over 83% of the seats in the 2020 election. The unelected nature of the Myanmar military renders it incapable of representing the people of Myanmar, and its rule has always been devoid of legitimacy.

The Myanmar military junta is aware of the international community's emphasis on the importance of representation. In the second year of the coup, it has persisted in promoting military-led election plans and polls, with the hope of legitimizing its rule through the unfree and unfair election and polls.

Since January of this year, the military junta has mandated that political parties re-register in accordance with newly introduced election laws, which impose strict limits on the number of party members and qualifications of candidates, etc. The National League for Democracy (NLD), led by Aung San Suu Kyi, is among the 40 political parties that have yet to complete the registration process.

It is noteworthy that these disbanded political parties had collectively garnered more than 89% of the votes in the legitimate 2020 election. This implies that without the participation of these political parties, the election being promoted by the military lacks legitimacy. The condemnation from the international community and the 'Anti-Sham Election' initiative is gaining momentum. However, if the military junta succeeds in holding the election, it could weaken the resolve of the international community and ASEAN to condemn the coup, providing an escape route for the Myanmar military junta.

Dr. Sasa, the Minister of International Cooperation of Myanmar's National Unity Government, has publicly called on Taiwan and other East Asian democracies to recognize the nature of the sham elections orchestrated by the Myanmar military in an interview with Nikkei Asia. He has also urged democratic countries in the region to proactively reject the legitimacy of the sham election.

Taiwan's Legislature has passed a cross-party resolution, which is the only one in the Chinese-speaking world, in response to the coup in 2021, demonstrating its unwavering support for Myanmar's democracy and its humanitarian efforts.

However, as the coup persists, the absence of action from Taiwan's executive departments has hindered its ability to support Myanmar.

  • We urge Taiwan’s government bodies, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Immigration Department, to engage with stakeholders with the aim of protecting the rights of Myanmar people in Taiwan.
  • We call on the Taiwanese government to reject the Burma's junta's sham polls. Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Minister Joseph Wu should categorically and publicly disown the electoral exercise.
  • We call on the Taiwan's government to condemn the Myanmar military junta's air strikes against civilians.

Taiwan's MOFA response on 12 April 2023:

Deadly Myanmar airstrike heaps pressure on ASEAN ahead of summit
Indonesia thought to be seeking bloc statement on attack; Japan, Taiwan join outcry

Statement by Asia Citizen Future Association 亞洲公民未來協會

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Event Information * Date:2024/7/18 * Time : 19:00-21:00 * Location : Online meeting room (Link will be provided in the confirmation e-mail before the event) * Language: English with Mandarin Interpretation Assistance * Registration:https://forms.gle/fijnsGUdWPWUUEbz6 Under the influence of rapid globalization, migrant workers have become an important community that



活動資訊 * 活動日期:2024/7/18 * 活動時間 : 19:00-21:00 * 活動地點 :線上會議室 Online (The link will be provided in the confirmation e-mail before the event 活動前將以Email通知發送確認信與會議室連結) * 語言 : 英文為主,中英雙語進行。 【伸展運動系列四】沒有WiFi,就沒有人權!跨國倡議如何促進移工權利保障? 報名連結:https://forms.gle/fijnsGUdWPWUUEbz6 改為線上舉辦!收到區域的參與者要求,這場次將改為線上舉辦! 在全球化快速發展之下,移工成為貢獻世界各地經濟最重要的群體。由其可見,移工匯款是東南亞經濟發展的重要支柱。然而,這些移工同時在許多社會中身處邊緣化、無法受到社會安全網以及人權保障的處境,移工在異國的處境越來越脆弱。 即便如此,移工社群仍然不斷發展出勞動權利的運動與組織,

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活動資訊 * 活動日期:2024/7/17 * 活動時間 : 19:00-21:00 * 活動地點 : * 活動地點 :線上會議室 Online (The link will be provided in the confirmation e-mail before the event 活動前將以Email通知發送確認信與會議室連結) * 語言 :英文為主,中英雙語。 【伸展運動系列三】 極端宗教主義興起下,LGBT+社群怎麼做? 在印尼、馬來西亞,及緬甸,LGBT+如何「做」社運和「做」組織? 報名表單:https://forms.gle/ugxdQAGCNigiACmn9 改為線上舉辦!收到區域的參與者要求,這場次將改為線上舉辦!